Prince William Cardinals Coaches
We are a group of dedicated coaches, who love to teach the game of baseball to the next generation. We focus on teaching the kids the fundamentals of the game so that they are better prepared for the next level.
We act as instructors that teach beyond the basics. While teaching players to stay in front of ground balls, we also teach players to stay low and make quick transitions from the glove to the throwing hand. By helping players improve their skills, we are maximizing the team's ability to win and overall level of success.
We act as leaders on the field and off. We will motivate players to succeed by being fair, positive, patient, sincere, concerned and honest. Baseball success requires teamwork. We will build camaraderie among players to build a family type atmosphere. We will find ways to maximize their self-confidence.
We will not only teach baseball, but also life lessons. We will build a team and atmosphere where the kids will learn, have fun, grow and succeed!